Meet a Community Member!

This week, meet Taylor McClain, class of 2020!

Taylor is a Political Science major in her junior year here at BMC, debating double majoring in Latin. She is a supervisor in Uncommon Grounds, sits on the Honor Board as a student rep, and is on the Executive Board for BaCaSo as a Community Engagement CoHead. She is also a Mellon Mays fellow and is looking into volunteering at a local church. Her favorite spots on campus include the window seats in Dalton Hall, the green behind Goodhart Hall, Uncommon Grounds and her room.

Her advice to the first-year class:

“Take classes that interest you, go to office hours, and get sleep! Try to be active on campus, whether it’s a job or a club. Go into Philly, and don’t be too hard on yourself! The “world” is probably going to end a billion times before you graduate, and you will come to realize that it none of it was actually the end of the world.”